hasAllowance issues 1Inch plugin

I’m having a hard time making hasAllowance work for me. My understanding is that I’m supposed to check and make sure the user has the token balance available before swapping which makes sense. If they do, I’m supposed to ask for an Approval signature to verify interaction with their tokens. Once I have a valid balance and signature, I proceed to swap.

The token I’m working with is 9 decimals and I have ~1350 in the wallet. I don’t see a way to pass decimal information into hasAllowance.

When I run this in my console, it returns TRUE:

await Moralis.Plugins.oneInch.hasAllowance({
    chain: 'bsc', // The blockchain you want to use (eth/bsc/polygon)
    fromTokenAddress: '0x0581fafb89bc15f13afe3ee7348fd667262b2732', // The token you want to swap
    fromAddress: '0xc70ef3240ff891014538ca54ea2f7cd8cacc872a', // Your wallet address
    amount: '11',

If I change (amount: '11') to (amount: '12') it will return FALSE

await Moralis.Plugins.oneInch.hasAllowance({
    chain: 'bsc', // The blockchain you want to use (eth/bsc/polygon)
    fromTokenAddress: '0x0581fafb89bc15f13afe3ee7348fd667262b2732', // The token you want to swap
    fromAddress: '0xc70ef3240ff891014538ca54ea2f7cd8cacc872a', // Your wallet address
    amount: '12',

Now if I change (amount: '12') to (amount: '') it will return TRUE again.

await Moralis.Plugins.oneInch.hasAllowance({
    chain: 'bsc', // The blockchain you want to use (eth/bsc/polygon)
    fromTokenAddress: '0x0581fafb89bc15f13afe3ee7348fd667262b2732', // The token you want to swap
    fromAddress: '0xc70ef3240ff891014538ca54ea2f7cd8cacc872a', // Your wallet address
    amount: '',

Finally, if I change (amount: '') to any integer (amount: 9999999999999) it will return TRUE

await Moralis.Plugins.oneInch.hasAllowance({
    chain: 'bsc', // The blockchain you want to use (eth/bsc/polygon)
    fromTokenAddress: '0x0581fafb89bc15f13afe3ee7348fd667262b2732', // The token you want to swap
    fromAddress: '0xc70ef3240ff891014538ca54ea2f7cd8cacc872a', // Your wallet address
    amount: 9999999999999,

Is this how hasAllowance is supposed to work? Does hasAllowance check to make sure the signature has been received as well as check the balance? Because what’s happening is hasAllowance will sometimes return false and it will continue to prompt Moralis.Plugins.oneInch.approve when it already has premission. I only want to prompt for Moralis.Plugins.oneInch.approve once. How can I do this?

Here is the flow taken from the example:

  if (currentTrade.from.symbol !== "BNB") {
    const allowance = await Moralis.Plugins.oneInch.hasAllowance({
      chain: "bsc", // The blockchain you want to use (eth/bsc/polygon)
      fromTokenAddress: currentTrade.from.address, // The token you want to swap
      fromAddress: address, // Your wallet address
      amount: amount,
    if (!allowance) {
      await Moralis.Plugins.oneInch.approve({
        chain: "bsc", // The blockchain you want to use (eth/bsc/polygon)
        tokenAddress: currentTrade.from.address, // The token you want to swap
        fromAddress: address, // Your wallet address

As you can see if allowance returns FALSE, it will constantly prompt for approval.

I also tried making this work for me with no luck:

The result always returns a string "0" for me no matter what enter. I had to enter chain as well even though it was optional.

Any help would just be amazing at this point. I’ve been stuck too long on this…

this shouldn’t be something complicated, you should be able to check the allowance directly on the token smart contract too.

the amount should be in WEI

something seems strage if it returns true for “11”, false for “12” and true again for 9999999999999

Indeed. I’m assuming it has something to do with this token I’m trying to work with. I only found this on accident because I was originally working in WEI. I manually entered 22 or something random in the console and it finally returned FALSE. I can’t make any sense of it. I thought it was a decimal issue or something, but that’s not a parameter.

Also when I passed WEI value it always returned TRUE, but all swaps would fail. Maybe because it never got proper signature? Idk. I can send token to test with to see.

Hey @jallisonfl

The issue should be fixed, please update your plugin to v 0.0.30