We are using the NFT getWalletNFTs API and it is returning that a user owns an NFT that he doesn’t actually own
Wallet address: 0x1dA29Ca4E330F0Faa816edB6B55B46f9eE453F7f
Token Address: 0xa996aD2b9f240F78b063E47F552037658c4563d1
We are checking if the above Wallet Address owns any of the above Token Address. The above wallet address does not own any of the specific token, but the getWalletNFTs API is returning an NFT which is not owned by the wallet address.
Specific Code Issue:
response = await Moralis.EvmApi.nft.getWalletNFTs({
address: '0x1dA29Ca4E330F0Faa816edB6B55B46f9eE453F7f',
chain: "0x19", // CRONOS MAINNET
tokenAddresses: ['0xa996aD2b9f240F78b063E47F552037658c4563d1'],
cursor: cursor,
The above should be empty but its returning an NFT that is not owned by 0x1dA29Ca4E330F0Faa816edB6B55B46f9eE453F7f