`getTokenBalances` returns error code 141

Hey, suddenly out of nowhere, the getTokenBalances endpoint stopped working and started throwing error with code 141:

Failed running cloud function getTokenBalances for user undefined with:
  Input: {"chain":"rinkeby","address":"0xaE5d37C8C862c9f441182970a46864cb5F2cbe76"}
  Error: {"message":"{}","code":141}

Server URL: https://d172mzftc89g.usemoralis.com:2053/server/functions/getTokenBalances
Server version: 0.0.374

I am calling it from my code like this:

await Moralis.Web3API.account.getTokenBalances({ chain: connectedChainConstants.value.moralis.chainName, address: userAddress.value })

Do you have any idea of what is going on? It worked without any problem about an hour ago, now it throws this error.
Have a nice day:)

we have some problems with rinkeby in particular now

Now it returns me the result correctly:)

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