Getting realtime Buy Sell data of a token

Hello, I’m trying to get a token’s a real-time buy/sell data using Python3. It should print that if someone buys or sells a crypto token of a given contract address.
Also I’m using this code for this.

import moralis
from moralis import MoralisWeb3

# Initialize Moralis with your API key
moralis_api_key = 'your_moralis_api_key'
moralis_web3 = MoralisWeb3(provider_url=f"{moralis_api_key}/bsc/mainnet")

# Specify the token contract address to listen for transactions on
token_contract_address = "0x123456789abcdef"

# Define a callback function to execute when a transaction is detected
def handle_transaction(tx):
    if tx.get("to") == token_contract_address:
        # Check if it's a buy or sell transaction
        if tx.get("input").startswith("0xf305d719"): # Buy transaction
            print(f"Buy transaction detected! Tx hash: {tx['hash']}")
            print(f"Buyer: {tx['from']}")
            print(f"Amount: {int(tx['value'], 16)}")
        elif tx.get("input").startswith("0x7a9e5f68"): # Sell transaction
            print(f"Sell transaction detected! Tx hash: {tx['hash']}")
            print(f"Seller: {tx['from']}")
            print(f"Amount: {int(tx['input'][34:], 16)}")

# Subscribe to new transactions on the blockchain
moralis_web3.eth.subscribe('pending_transactions', handle_transaction)

but it shows ImportError: cannot import name ‘MoralisWeb3’ from 'moralis’

Hi @laama

Did you find anywhere about importing MoralisWeb3 from Morlais?
It is not part of the latest Moralis python sdk, hence the error cannot import name ‘MoralisWeb3’ from 'moralis’

Please provide more details of if you have any references.

can you please guide me about this, I’m trying to track buy/sell transactions.