I have a liquidity pool for our token (0xEE2112FB07223BA67cD0d35459b12a1e2c7D3539) and matic on uniswap v3 on polygon mainnet. I am trying to use moralis endpoints for fetching token price for our token from polygon mainnet using this api https://docs.moralis.io/web3-data-api/evm/reference/get-token-price?address=0xEE2112FB07223BA67cD0d35459b12a1e2c7D3539&chain=polygon&include=percent_change&exchange=uniswapv3
As a response i am getting this error
“message”: “Insufficient liquidity in pools to calculate the price”
But when i go to uniswap and try to swap , i can see the expected matic price against my token and vice versa. Is there a minimum amount of liquidity that a pool should have for this api to work ?
If yes , what is that figure and how to maintain it ?