I have an issue with the getNFTTransfers endpoint on bsc - it’s missing transfers when compared to bscscan. I’m trying to get the transfers for contract 0x51eed96088ed0f6f63c1073d55092bf95a5227fc (on bsc), and I’m getting a total of 390 transactions.
When i’m looking at bscscan, there are over 500 erc721/1155 transactions. https://bscscan.com/address/0x51eed96088ed0f6f63c1073d55092bf95a5227fc#tokentxnsErc721
in particular, transacion 0x12940202658822fadcc6ca21276a8d48a6c9ac56e91dca018a12fd4aa01aedc5 doesn’t get fetched from the API but appears on BSC scan.