For some reason when calling the getNFTsForContract() function, it is returning the 1 NFT I own, but for some reason the metadata field is null, however the token_uri field has a valid IPFS address with the correct metadata, so I am unsure why the metadata field is not filled?
you can try to resync it to see if it works
I have tried that but I just get the following error:
Unhandled Rejection (TypeError): moralis__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3___default.a.Web3API.token.reSyncMetadata is not a function
you can try it directly from web3api interface:
in that case it looks like you need a newer version for Moralis SDK
What version of the SDK is required?
I donβt know the exact number, latest version should work
Ok, will the metadata be refreshed immediately?
not instantly, but it should be in seconds