getNFTs() returns empty metadata and token_uri

When calling getNFTs(), it successfully returns the right tokens, but the metadata and token_uri fields are empty for some tokens, despite existing (especially for tokens not minted using OpenSea)

I see this issue has come up several times in the past, eg:

When will this be fixed?

I am going to need an example from you case where you donā€™t have that token_uri field

Hi, token_uri does not updated sync. We have same problem. It is available when we checked the tokenURI directly executing contract method. Using moralis api we couldnā€™t reach some of them, it returns empty value. After some minutes(maybe 5-10 minutes) the token_uri fields filled correctly.
we are using this method ā€œMoralis.Web3API.token.getAllTokenIdsā€.


You can read more about how it works now here:

For now, when you call Moralis.Web3API.token.getAllTokenIds, the metadata will not be updated automatically.

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