GetNFTs dont work correct anymore

we use your getNFT function to retrieve all nfts a wallets owns on the bsc. But since 2 or 3 days it dont work correct anymore.

For example this wallet:

Owns 2 NFTs but your api returns 0.


How are you calling the function?

We will investigate, thanks for reporting.

Hey Guys,

i tried both ways via JS:
await Moralis.Web3API.account.getNFTs({ chain: ‘bsc’, address: walletAddress });

And via your Swagger UI:

Bscscan shows clearly 2 NFTs but the result from the Api is 0.


Yes, we are working on fixing an nft indexing problem on our side now.

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Thank you :wink:
Please keep me informed my players asking every 30mins why their Spaceships are not in their hangars. =D

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did you solve the issue?


We did solve the issue, but there is still a backlog to process.

It should work as expected for new data

Okay i will check it and get back to you.

Still not working correct this address 0xe7AAcAF9316c07f0b799F598beBF6552bDFc6Fc8 holds 2 NFTs buyed 7h ago bsc scan shows it but not your api.

Ok, it looks like it still doesn’t work as expected.

Can you give me a timeframe when this bug is fixed?

Hopefully today it will be fixed.

Did you have a update for me?

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it looks like it returns 2 nfts now

Yes this works now, but newly minted NFTs still have problems.

you are still having problems today with newly minted nfts?

no it works now thank you :wink:

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