GetBlock() with more parameter


I would like to fetch only 1 transaction of a given block.

So these are works:
chain: “bsc”,
block_number_or_hash: Block,

  • And i want to add also “hash”

I can’t use the gettransaction() somehow only the log part (i must to wirte .log behind - otherwise i got error message), but i need all, so that is why i would like to do it with GetBlock()

How can i do that?

Each block will contain one or more transactions. Which is that 1 transaction you are looking for?

Can you share more details on the error which you received while using getTransaction()?

With .log is works perfectly, but without not.
I want the addresses + log array as well

Unhandled Runtime Error
TypeError: is not a function

components\Nft.js (45:44) @ Nft

43 |
44 |

45 | {transactions2 &&, index) =>
| ^
46 |
47 |
48 | {transaction2.log_index}

Try it this way. It logs total transaction object and also the to_address of each transaction.

const options = {
  chain: "bsc",
  address: "0x3d6c0e79a1239df0039ec16Cc80f7A343b6C530e",
  order: "desc",
  from_block: "0",
const transactions = await Moralis.Web3API.account.getTransactions(options); console.log(transactions); 

if (transactions.result.length > 0) {
  transactions.result.forEach((element) => {

Hope this relates to something you are looking for.

Thanks, but mine also works with console.log, (when i remove the table object), but when i try to show it in the table then not anymore.

Could you please show me an example of the return in table?

This is what i’m using

        const fetchTransactions2 = async () => {
          const data2 = await Web3Api.native.getTransaction({
            chain: "bsc",
            transaction_hash: Wallet2
            if (data2) {

        useEffect(() => {
        }, [])
      return (


do you have a function that returns the table?

I’m testing it on this. It’s works only with (data2.log) but not with (data2)
Of course when i change it, then i delete the <tr></tr> part

      return (
        <Table variant="simple">

          {transactions2 &&, index) =>

              <Tr key={transaction2.transaction_hash}>
                  <Th>{parseInt(, 16)}</Th>

You are getting this error because you are trying to map over an object not an array.

const [transaction, setTransaction] = useState()
    const fetchTransactions2 = async () => {
          const data = await Web3Api.native.getTransaction({
            chain: "bsc",
            transaction_hash: Wallet2
            if (data) {

        useEffect(() => {
        }, [])
 return (
        <Table variant="simple">

          {transaction && transaction[logs].map((transaction, index) =>

              <Tr key={transaction.transaction_hash}>
                  <Th>{parseInt(, 16)}</Th>

//hope this help

I’ve got now this:

Unhandled Runtime Error
ReferenceError: log is not defined

components\Nft.js (45:42) @ Nft

  43 |           <Tbody>
  44 | 
> 45 |           {transactions2 && transactions2[log].map((transaction2, index) =>
     |                                          ^
  46 | 
  47 |               <Tr key={transaction2.transaction_hash}>
  48 |                   <Th>{transaction2.log_index}</Th>
transactions2 && transactions2[logs]

if you check the doc the transaction has logs property not log