Get_nft_contract_transfers curl date

Hi guys,

I’m using the URL{datetime.strptime(args.start_of_period, β€˜%d-%m-%Y’).strftime(’%Y-%m-%d’)}&to_date={datetime.strptime(args.end_of_period, β€˜%d-%m-%Y’).strftime(’%Y-%m-%d’)}&format=decimal in order to get every transferts on a NFT collection.

Are the from_date and to_date include or exclude from the result?

it will show the transfers between those periods of time

it should also include the limits (from_date value and to_date value), that is how it works for to_block and from_block

actually the date will be used to get a block number

Yup that’s obvious but dates are included or excluded? :slight_smile:

Ok thx if blocks filter include from/to…