General doubts when creating a collection

Hello everyone, first to say that it is the first time I try to do this. I am watching the following tutorial and I have several doubts:

Sorry if I don’t express myself in the right way. But it’s my first time and many things I don’t quite understand very well. So I apologize and I hope someone can answer these questions for me.

1º - I have managed to make the smart contract in the polygon testnet. Everything has worked correctly as in the video. My doubt here is, OpenSea forces me to have at least 1 NFT in the collection with the smart contract, the problem is that I only want to create the collection without having to mint any NFT. I want the collection to be blank, so that in 2 or 3 weeks I can start uploading the NFTs progressively. This is possible?

2º - My second doubt is that I try to follow the tutorial making the dashborad but the code that the github introduces does not appear, it is “moralis-sign-in-boilerplate”
Then I spoke with a person from the Morails team and he explained to me that this code is old and is no longer used, so my question is which code is the one that I can use or more recommend that I use.

3º- My third question is, if I create a collection manually in the polygon network and mint an nft manually, then it lets me edit it and even delete it. When I create the contract and create the collection in OpenSea with the smart contract, the edit option is not enabled. I don’t know if this is because I’m on the polygon testnet and it doesn’t work or because it doesn’t let you edit the NFT when you upload it this way. If it’s just something that happens on the polygon testnet, and on the polygon mainnet if it lets you edit and delete the NFT, then question number 1 would also be resolved, because I could upload the collection with 1 NFT and then delete the NFT to keep the collection empty.

Attached photo of how it appears when I try to edit it


Q1. A

Opensea and other market places require you to have minted NFT’s in order to list them.
You can create an ERC1155 minter token, and set up the metadata and all the attributes in the json files prior to minting anything. Once you use this contract to mint NFTs you will be able to list them.

Q2. A
Look difference between web3 and ethers libraries.

Q3. A
Try using the following link to check what is in your contract.

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