Geeting error for save data to moralis db

Hello there i am newbie on java script. I get problem when i want to save data moralis db.

import { Box, Input, Text, Heading, Stack, Button, Spacer, Textarea, FormControl, FormLabel, Select, NumberInput, NumberInputField, NumberInputStepper, NumberIncrementStepper, NumberDecrementStepper } from '@chakra-ui/react'
import { useState } from 'react'
import { useMoralis, useMoralisQuery,useMoralisSubscription } from 'react-moralis'
import { ErrorBox } from './Error';
import { Moralis } from "moralis";
import axios from 'axios';


export const CreateTournaments = () => {
    const { data, error, isLoading } = useMoralisQuery("Tournaments");
    const [maxScore, setMaxScore] = useState(100);
    const [limit, setLimit] = useState(3);

    const { user, setUserData, userError, isUserUpdating, logout } = useMoralis();
    const [username, setUsername] = useState(user.attributes.username);
    const [email, setEmail] = useState(;
    const [password, setPassword] = useState(user.attributes.password);
    const Tournaments = Moralis.Object.extend("Tournaments");
    const tournaments = Tournaments();
    const handleAddTournaments = () => {{
            score: 1337,
            playerName: "Sean Plott",
            cheatMode: false
          .then((tournaments) => {
            // The object was saved successfully.
          }, (error) => {
            // The save failed.
            // error is a Moralis.Error with an error code and message.

    const handleSave = () => {
            password: password === "" ? undefined : password

    return (
            {JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)}
            <Stack my={3}>
                <Heading>Create Tournaments</Heading>
                    <FormLabel>Featured Image</FormLabel>
                    <Input type="file" />
            <Stack spacing={3}>

                    <FormControl id="country">
                        <FormLabel>Chose Game</FormLabel>
                        <Select placeholder="Select country">
                            <option>Mobile Legends</option>
                    <Input />
                    <Textarea />
                    <FormControl id="amount">
                        <FormLabel>Cost per slot</FormLabel>
                        <NumberInput max={50} min={1}>
                            <NumberInputField />
                                <NumberIncrementStepper />
                                <NumberDecrementStepper />
                <Button onClick={() => handleAddTournaments()}>Create Now</Button>


here is the error

const tournaments = new Tournaments(); maybe