./frpc -c frpc.ini Error: connection refused

Can someone help me understand why Iā€™m getting the following error when running

./frpc -c frpc.ini
./frpc -c frpc.ini
2021/05/09 15:26:40 [W] [service.go:104] login to server failed: dial tcp x.x.x.x:7000: connect: connection refused
dial tcp x.x.x.x:7000: connect: connection refused

I believe Iā€™ve configured the frpc.ini file correctly. Just copy and paste from the Devchain Proxy Serverā€¦ And yes Iā€™m running the command from the same directory as frpc.ini

Iā€™m really not sure what Iā€™m doing wrong. Iā€™ve had this working before but now when I spin up a new server it doesnā€™t seem to connect and it no longer connects to the original server when I revert the frpc.ini file. Any thoughts?

You did copy the red colored ā€œganacheā€ part into the frpc.ini file (with nothing more), like:

  server_addr = 03uqj0cfwji7.moralis.io
  server_port = 7000
  token = yxwa6QkSpx
  type = http
  local_port = 7545
  custom_domains = 03uqj0cfwji7.moralis.io

Did you start the instance like (windows version):

./frpc.exe -c ./frpc.ini

with ganache running

and Metamax -> Settings -> network as:


Here is my frpc.ini file. This was cut and pasted straight from the moralis server.

  server_addr = 0yhenbrmchz3.moralis.io
  server_port = 7000
  token = Lr9pHgQ2fH
  type = http
  local_port = 7545
  custom_domains = 0yhenbrmchz3.moralis.io

I am on a mac so to run it I use the following command from the same directory as the frpc.ini file:

./frpc -c frpc.ini

Perviously I did not have metamask connected. However, I do now and it is accurately reflecting the balance shown in my Ganache instance so I know itā€™s connected correctly.

I still have the error connection refusedā€¦Iā€™m really not sure what I could be doing wrongā€¦

Did someone find the solution for this ?
I have exactly the same. error here on Mac

Did you try to run with sudo?