Front End Claim Button

Hi all the dev in here.
I’m new in the crypto world
I got a question is how to build a Front End Claim Airdrop Button in the DAPP

Dapp Done , Claim Airdrop Contract done.

Now just need to know how to create a claim button in the dapp front end for the user who’s get the whitelist just go to click the claim button and claim it out they airdrop.
Like the photo right below (yellow circle)

Hopefully will get the easy answer and the solution step in here. Because I’m poor on coding.
Thx all.

Hi @Johnsonw666

This will be part of the smart contract function. All the whitelisted addresses will be stored on contract. You will have to create a mint function that checks if the user address is whitelisted and then mint the allocated token qty…

From fontend you will have to call the mint contract function using the claim button.

Hi @johnversus

Can I know how to do this?

“From fontend you will have to call the mint contract function using the claim button.”