Firebase Extension "Authenticate with Moralis Auth" not available to update

Hi! Iā€™m using the Firebase extension ā€œAuthenticate with Moralis Authā€ and I want to update it from v0.1.5 to v0.1.6.
When I click in Details, it redirects me to but the extension not longer exists.
What happened to the extension?
Thanks for any info.

Hi @edumannarino

May I know where you have found this link? I think we only had the streams extension on the firebase marketplace. :thinking:

Hi @johnversus!
Thatā€™s the link from my installed Firebase extension.


The code source for the extension is

you can update extensions using the firebase cli

firebase ext:update moralis/moralis-auth

Yes, youā€™re right!
Thanks for your contribution @Iulian!