Filter Mobile Linking Options not working in my case on Android

I’m trying Mobile Linking Filtering as per Moralis docs and couln’t manage to make it work so far. I used the Moralis signin boilerplate and change it like this:

async function login() {

    try {

        currentUser = Moralis.User.current();


            currentUser = await Moralis.authenticate({

                provider: "walletconnect",

                mobileLinks: [






    } catch (error) {




I then started the site on my localhost with with the Live Server extension of VS-Code, accessed it on my Android phone, I press the Login button and the wallet-connect prompt appears but then I see all installed wallets and not only the 2 I passed.
Have you maybe tested this by any chance?

I tested now your code, and this function on iOS:

async function login() {
        try {
          currentUser = Moralis.User.current();
          if (!currentUser) {
            currentUser = await Moralis.authenticate({
              provider: "walletconnect",
              mobileLinks: ["metamask"]
        } catch (error) {

and everything works as expected for me, for this function I only see metamask and for your function I also see trust wallet

Does this maybe only work on iOS? I couldn’t find the walletconnect spec for this, don’t know how they do it. On Android it doesn’t work.

I would expect it to work on Android too, what version of Moralis SDK and wallet connect did you use?

I pushed my code state to my moralis fork as a proof, but it’s the same code:

You can open this link directly on an Android device to check (it’s the hosted version of the code):

I see only metamask and trust wallet by accessing this page from safari from iOS when clicking that button

IOS and Android are 2 completely different platforms, what works on one doesn’t need to work on the other…

From the beginning my post was about Android, not IOS

I asked walletconnect’s chief Pedro and he said it is only supported on IOS.

Ok, so we know now that it only works on iOS.
Thanks for getting to the bottom of this problem.