Failed to load bindings, pure JS will be used (try npm run rebuild?)

I am trying to get your YouTube tutorial at “” working as a POC. Should I get it working, I will become a paid member and I am looking forward to building on your platform.

When running this project on the dexBak application I get the error as follows:

node index.js
bigint: Failed to load bindings, pure JS will be used (try npm run rebuild?)
Listening for API Calls

Where and how can I get support on this?

Thank you

As we discussed via the chat, can you also post your index.js code file from the dexBack folder?

I having the same issue, can you help me!

@m0n0_half have you cloned the whole repo? At what point are you having issues?

There were some breaking changes since the tutorial was published, you will also need a 1inch API key in addition to your Moralis one.

You can check this updated starter repo -, you can clone this one or update the one you already cloned

So Do I just need to update the code in the .env.local.example file?

I have cloned the whole repo

You will need to rename the .env.example file to .env

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