Facing error on amazon clone

it looks like the error says that “No params file found for moralis-auth”, maybe it expects a configuration file to be created

I have no idea about how handle this bug…how to create configuration file?

what were the steps that. you did before you got that error?

We couldn’t download the repo given in the description. So we created the folders in our system and copied the code…Then we done the following steps

  1. Create a Firebase project.
  2. Upgrade to Blaze plan.
  3. Activate the Authentication feature in the Firebase Console. Go to the Firebase Console > Your Project > Build > Authentication and click the Get Started button.
  4. Create a Webb App and Copy Config for step 14.
  5. Generate a certificate for the Service Account. You will need it in the next step.
  6. Convert the certificate to extension variables by this online converter. You will use these variables in step 13.
  7. Clone this repo.
  8. Install Firebase CLI globally: npm install -g firebase-tools
  9. Login to your account: firebase login
  10. Get list of your projects: firebase projects:list. If this list is empty you should add a new project. You can do it by the Firebase Console.
  11. Set your project ID: firebase use <PROJECT_ID>
  12. Enable the webframeworks feature: firebase experiments:enable webframeworks
  13. Install the Authenticate with Moralis Web3 extension: firebase ext:install moralis/moralis-auth.
  14. Deploy extensions firebase deploy --only extensions
  15. Copy hosting/.env.example to hosting/.env and set all variables.

:electric_plug: Run Locally

  1. Run emulators: firebase emulators:start
  2. Open http://localhost:5555/ in your browser.

We got the error in the 14th step

This is the link to the repo we are using


You were not able to clone this repo?

The green colored code button is not visible. So we manually created the corresponding folders and copied the entire code

you have to go to this path:

and then to clone multiple demos, that is because all the demos are in the same repository

maybe this tutorial specific to firebase also helps:

Thank you for your valuable time

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