Explanation of rate limiting headers

I am wondering what the definition is for each of the headers below. I only see two of the headers explained in the documentation:

Can someone please define the headers here? Also, can Moralis add the definitions to the documentation page for future devs?

    {"x-rate-limit-remaining-ttl", "33"},
    {"x-rate-limit-remaining-ip-ttl", "33"},
    {"x-rate-limit-used", "35"},
    {"x-rate-limit-ip-used", "35"},
    {"x-rate-limit-limit", "3500"},
    {"x-rate-limit-throttle-remaining-ttl", "1"},
    {"x-rate-limit-throttle-remaining-ip-ttl", "1"},
    {"x-rate-limit-throttle-used", "120"},
    {"x-rate-limit-throttle-ip-used", "120"},
    {"x-rate-limit-throttle-limit", "88"},
    {"x-rate-limit-remaining", "33"},
    {"x-rate-limit-throttle-remaining", "1"},

this means how much limit current IP used

Any more updates on these headers?

with which one of them you have problems understanding it?

I was having trouble understanding all of them. I would like them all defined please.

it looks there is an explanation here: https://docs.moralis.io/misc/rate-limit#rate-limits-when-calling-web3-api-using-http for those that are considered to be most important

Yes, in my original post, I linked that very same link. However, it does not explain the others. Just out of my own curiosity can you help me understand what the others are used for? This can help me understand how Moralis rate limits users.

Or can you point me in the direction of someone who can help?