EthNftOwners, EthNftOwnersPending not updating any more

After you redeploy the contract you also change the event contract address? Probably is not related, I assumed that you expected some events to also continue to work.

Can you describe the steps that you make to duplicate this problem?

I am only interested in the ‘EthNFTOwners’ events. Do i need to update the event contract address after redeploying a new contract if that’s the thing i am interested in? If so, where would i do this?

The steps i do to recreate the problem.

  1. create a new moralis instance

  2. connect to my local ganache instance

  3. deploy a contract to my ganache.

  4. interact with my contract via my local app.

  5. I see the EthNFTOwnersPending and EthNftOwners being populated in the database as i interact with my contract (mint an nft).

  6. I redeploy the contract locally so the contract address will change

  7. I interact with the contract it via my app (transactions successfully visible on local ganache)

  8. I do NOT see the EthNFTOwnersPending and EthNftOwners being populated in the database no matter how many transactions i make.

create a new instance and follow the above steps which takes me a lot of time as i have to update some other systems due to the server address changing amongst other things.

Everything stops syncing in Moralis database after you redeploy, like no new transactions too?

correct, all blockchain related transactions stop being picked up.

What happens if you disconnect and reconnect to ganache after you redeploy? Probably not easy to test now.

Nothing happens. I’ve tried disconnected and re connecting and restarting the server. I’ve tried lots of things but the only thing that seems to work is setting up a new instance :frowning:

setting up new instance doens’t work for me at all, I have tried 3-4 times now.

What exactly do you do when you set a new instance, I tested yesterday and it worked for me
It was a time when I waited some minutes to see the data in dashboard, and you’ll have to authenticate with an address to the new server before seeing any data.

  1. Create new instance
  2. Add events for Sold Items and Item Added to Marketplace
  3. Update Cloud Functions with BeforeSave methods.

for User

  1. Authenticate User with Ropsten network
  2. Create NFT metadata Data with Image URL
  3. Mint NFT
  4. Approve for Marketplace
  5. Add to Marketplace

Nothing shows up in EthNFTOwnersPending or EthNftOwners
If its new server, these tables never gets created.

This was all working fine with the earlier version and only recently have stopped working. without any changes in code this end.

When did you test this last time? Asking because it should have been fixed ~1-2 days ago.

I just did it again on new server created about 15 minutes back

and its still not populating the EthNFTOwners and EthNFTOwnersPending


ok, you could try on bsc testnet until we figure it out why is not working

Can you try again now?

It shows up now. NICE! .


This is broken again, it’s not updating EthNFTOwners or EthNFTOwnersPending

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Same issue here … Not creating EthNFTOwners

do you have users on that server with NFTs on eth, or did you add to watch address an address that has?

I added to watch address and also minted some items on the same server