Ethereum-nft-marketplace-boilerplate qns

Hi there, iā€™m trying to test and build ethereum nft marketplacde boilerplate following:

I realized this git project was last dated 2 yrs ago, and not consistent with what Moralis provides now.

  1. A Moralis server has to be set by oneself, not as mentioned in the docs by clicking some buttons in Moralis. btw, i did this following a tutorial video.
  2. The deployed marketplace smart contract address and ABI has to be given in MoralisDappProvider.js ā€“ Iā€™m lost here. Since Iā€™m very new in Web 3.0, can anyone help me on how to deploy marketplace smart contract, and hence get its address & ABI?
  3. Next step: Sync the MarketItemCreated event /src/contracts/marketplaceBoilerplate.sol contract with your Moralis Server, making the tableName MarketItems ā€“ Iā€™m also lost with the little details provided. Where should I start? or any tutorials or docs on that?

Please help, and Thanks!

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Hi @seanzhangyi

As you have mentioned that tutorial was very old and moralis is no longer providing new servers anymore, so to use the same code with server url and appId you need to self host Moralis parser server and you have to make the required changes to the code as shown in the below docs.

I would recommend following the new updated tutorials and code from our youtube channel. As a new version of the NFT marketplace tutorial will be released soon in the future.

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The contract code and abi can be found in src/contracts path. You can deploy the .sol code from this path using remix.