Ethereum Chat App error

Hi, I followed the Building Ethereum Chat App - Native iOS and Android - Web3 Programming Tutorial and BUILD SUCCESSFUL in 1m 26s
On emulator is just loading from

I need help to get it run.


Do you get any errors? This seems like an emulator issue, try restarting everything or try using another.

Thanks, for answering, I restarted and it started.
However, now I am getting some errors:

  1. Non ethereum enabled browser.
  2. When I click on Crypto Wallet Login it takes e to WalletConnect 404 -This page could not be found.
  3. When I return to Login page I get another error: Possible Unhandled Promise Rejection.
  4. When I want to login is not directing to MetaMask app (like in the tutorial) but to WalletConnect (error 1 above).

Thanks a lot!

Thanks, for answering, I restarted and it started.
However, now I am getting some errors:

  1. Non ethereum enabled browser.
  2. When I click on Crypto Wallet Login it takes e to WalletConnect 404 -This page could not be found.
  3. When I return to Login page I get another error: Possible Unhandled Promise Rejection.
  4. When I want to login is not directing to MetaMask app (like in the tutorial) but to WalletConnect (error 1 above).

Can you try cloning the finished project here and running it? Just to make sure you didn’t miss any steps when following the tutorial.

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Thanks, I will do that.

I got it running. The problem was solved on a physical devise after I installed MetaMask.

Great. Any idea what the issue/fix was? In case someone else has a similar issue.

There was no problem except that I did not have installed any wallet in my device and thus I could not login. After I installed MetaMask it worked.

I wanted to test it on 2 devices but when I installed the apk on another physical device I get this message:

Release APK: Unable to load script. Make sure you’re either running a Metro server (run ‘react-native start’) or that your bundle ‘’ is packaged correctly for release.

Android failed to load JS bundle. How could I fix this?

Can you look at these threads for anything that might help? Since it’s a physical device and looking at the error, the possible causes that stand out are if your phone has access to the Metro server or if the APK is a proper build.



Yes, I solved it by running react-native bundle --platform android --dev false --entry-file index.js --bundle-output android/app/src/main/assets/ --assets-dest android/app/src/main/res

Thanks :star_struck:

A question: 2 people got the app, they write mesages (I see them in Moralis server) but none of them see what the other one writes. How to write to each other? :grinning: :laughing:

Not sure what you mean by messages specifically (how it’s implemented). If this data is stored in your database you can query for it to display in your app.

Is ok, running the chat perfectly.
Can we create groups in this chat app?