Ethereum Boilerplate Questions

have you checked if the server details are right?

Yes, Iā€™ve stored the app ID and server URL which Iā€™ve copied from the details on Moralis, in the .env file.
PS: itā€™s working now. Maybe it was because it took a little longer to propagate? Thanks anyway

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Hello @ivan, Is the Boilerplate with Hardhat configuration available directly as the Boilerplate with Truffle?

Hi there,

I followed the command and this was the result when i attempted to run yarn:

I am wondering if clean install again would reset everything and I can start again, is this worth doing?

I cant seem to find a way to uninstall VCS and all of the history / filesā€¦

Sorry I am so new to this

Interesting but did you do it from your project root directory?

It looks like no command ā€œstartā€ found

Follow this from starting, you can do it :muscle:

Step 1 - Clone repo
$ git clone

Step 2 - Go to root directory
$ cd ethereum-boilerplate

Step 3 - Check yarn is installed on your machine or not
$ yarn --version
If you have yarn, it will show your yarn version number
1.22.17 :point_left:
else install yarn
$ sudo npm install yarn --global

Step 4 - Install packages
$ yarn install

Step 5 - Run project
$ yarn start

Good luck :raised_hands:

Thank you very much!

I will try and let you know!


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Hey @somaganesh

It only supports truffle for now. We selected truffle because you donā€™t want to run every time a new blockchain when you have connected it to the Moralis db already

Feels like progress.

I have input yarn start

It has opened a blank page in Chrome but the page is this:

Is this something to do with my server?

Thank you for your help so far. The learning curve is steep.


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Great :+1:

Check you network tab and console to get deep into debugging! Sorry but I canā€™t say whatā€™s the actual problem by just looking into that screen :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

FYI: If not done, you need to add your server_url and application_id in .env file.

Check this Quick start!

I have noticed that my command prompts have % whereas the person sitting next to me as well as the tutorials on you tube have $.

Is there any reason this may be the case for me?

I did put my server_url and application_id in.

Nope, that is not the reason.
That sign is based on which terminal shell you use.
For zsh % and bash $

Thank you.

Im sure I will get there, just seems to be a few messy hurdles.

I have read some people completely wipe VSC and reinstall. I am thinking of doing that, do you think a clean slate would be a possible way to get it going?

Or debugging the way to go?

You are still in the beginning stage for this one, so you can fresh start if you like, before wasting alot of time in debugging.
Good luck :muscle:

Hi there,

I am working through the github process and am at the yarn start but get thisā€¦

Can someone please help me get past this so the page loadsā€¦ At the moment it is saying it cannot connect to local host.

Many thanks.


you could try to downgrade to node 16

What would be the recommended method to do this?

SImply reinstall V16?

I donā€™t know a recommended method

I have managed to get something else coming up on the web pageā€¦

Anyone have any suggestions?

Have you provided appId and serverUrl in your .env file? Have you changed something in the code?

Hi there,

Yes I have done the app id and serverURL.

I have not made any code changes. I have followed the written instructions on github as well as followed the youtube tutorial. I am just not getting the page to load like it did n the tutorial.

I donā€™t know if there is something missing from my VSC setup or an extension ā€¦ Im lostā€¦

I appreciate the help. Im sure it will get sorted, I just need some help.