Ethereum Boilerplate Questions

share your github repo :raised_hands:

I get this in my terminal when I run “npm start” and my localhost link shows this “TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘getNativeBalance’)” can anybody tell me what’s wrong

Compiled with warnings.

Line 6:8: ‘TokenPrice’ is defined but never used no-unused-vars
Line 12:24: ‘Skeleton’ is defined but never used no-unused-vars
Line 16:8: ‘QuickStart’ is defined but never used no-unused-vars
Line 18:8: ‘Text’ is defined but never used no-unused-vars
Line 21:17: ‘Footer’ is assigned a value but never used no-unused-vars

Line 11:6: React Hook useEffect has a missing dependency: ‘Moralis’. Either include it or remove the dependency array

Search for the keywords to learn more about each warning.
To ignore, add // eslint-disable-next-line to the line before.


There are many tokens on the BSC network but only a selection from the binance network dropdown. What needs to happen for a token to appear in this list? Could i add any BSC based token address to the list - for example this one -

Thanks in advance

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Thank you to everyone for the help so far.

I have gotten the page to load so now I would like to make changes to the UI and explore colors, sizes etc…

Whilst I am across how I can make changes using dev tools in chrome, these are temporary changes and I would like to make them more permanent to introduce my own style. Can someone advise me the best place within the boilerplate code to attempt this?

Also, I would like to be able to add a token address / search function to the Dex page so its not a matter of scrolling to find the token but people can input abbreviations or token addresses to be able to load their token of choice.

Can someone give me a push in the right direction please.


When deployed, the Fiat onramper does not work. Do I have to put the API key as an environment variable or is it handled directly by Moralis?

Any idea what is this error "NoMoralisContextProviderError: Make sure to only call useMoralis within a " ?

Hey everyone!

First off, it’s been a ton of fun lurking in here and seeing how supportive and tight this community is.

I’ve got a NOOB question that I know you all can answer.

Where is the easiest place to host the boilerplate itself? I noticed that Moralis hosts their SDK on unpkg, but was at a loss as to how to proceed.

Any help is greatly appreciated!


Got this error:

useMoralisDapp must be used within a MoralisDappProvider

Still trying to get the cryptopunks showing up in the marketplace.

Hope someone can help.


These are just warnings, you can ignore them. And these errors messages were fixed on the latest versions, so please update :raised_hands:

Hey @bogdabart

Please check if you specified your server details in the .env file. Also MoralisDappProvider was removed long time ago, now all the boilerplate hooks are inside the react-moralis. So please make an update of the boilerplate :raised_hands:

I think you have not added your server details to the .env file

You need to provide it only when you are adding the plugin

Is this also updated in the final code?

It was removed from the standard` ethereum-boilerplate. It may be used in others boilerplates built on top of it.

You just need to download a new version of the ethereum-boilerplate. Or you can pull new changes in your github repo

Thanks for replying again. I’m still stuck and getting a bit desperate. The following error appearing now again:
Attempted import error: ‘useNFTTokenIds’ is not exported from ‘react-moralis’.

I’m pretty sure I use the last version of the boilerplate and all the other dependencies. I try to follow the exact steps in the tutorial. If I should be doing stuff differently as descibed in the tutorial I would like to know it precisely. Appreciate any help!

Thanks for the reply , i did add the server url and the application id to the env file . is there anything else i may be missing ?

hey can anyone help me with these npm install issues i already renamed safe-event-emitter to metamask/ safe-event-emitter but i havent attempted another npm install or audit fix to check if the deprication was fixed. this is just the first one i also got stumped on the second.

this is the rest

i tried using npm audit fix --force it yielded a few results.