I tried a a few things, still getting an error with the deployment. Please have a look at the screenshot, maybe you know what that means. Good looking out tho
If you do not use react : downgrade to node version < 17:
install node v16.13.0 : nvm install 16.13.0
list installed versions : nvm list
switch to version 16.13.0 : nvm use 16.13.0
For Windows10+ i had to do this in an elevated command prompt window, opened with administrator rights (rightmouse click cmd.exe and select : run as administrator.
Check version in use : node -v
hey there, Iβm looking to use Moralis with Unity for user authentication but want to provide users the abilitty to authenticate with Solana / Phantom in addition to wallet connect or metamask.
Iβm really struggling to find any information about using the Moralisβ Unity SDK for Phantom authentication handling. Is there any information out there that I can read up on? Could someone point me in the right direction?
I tried added the Unity package to another asset, and I canβt seem to figure out this error when building webgl, all other builds work.
UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent (int,intptr,bool&)ailed process stderr log:
Value: %551 = landingpad { i8*, i32 }
catch i8* bitcast ({ i8*, i8* }* @_ZTI22Il2CppExceptionWrapper to i8*)
LLVM ERROR: Unrecognized struct value
I have a question
How do you change the FAVI ICON & Moralis Logo on the top
let me know would like to get t his changed and canβt seem to find that info
Favicon can be changed in index.html file, under public folder.
App logo can be changed in App.jsx file Logo
Are you on the latest Moralis / react-moralis? Iβm not getting that TS error by default.
I am getting this error in every component - I just started the app after adding my keys in the .env and ran yarn
Hi have a look here. visual studio code - Why do I keep getting Delete βcrβ [prettier/prettier]? - Stack Overflow
I got the answer though i wil want to check this out later - thanx
in the discord moralis channel got this
yarn format
and then i had another error and was told to add this
add this comment in contract.jsx before line 90 // eslint-disable-next-line no-unsafe-optional-chaining
Hello, I am new to this community. I was following along with the youtube tutorial and found out that the starting code in the video for the Ethereum Boilerplate is different from that in the GitHub link. I am not familiar with the format of this forum so I apologize if someone already brought this up. If not, could you provide the legacy code so that we may follow along?
Do you mean this tutorial? Web3 Dapp Boilerplate Starter Project - Moralis Programming Tutorial - YouTube
If so, you just start with the boilerplate as it is.
The starter code repo has likely has been updated slightly for newer versions of the Moralis SDK, but fundamentally it seems about the same starting at 07:30 of that video. It looks like the demo at https://ethereum-boilerplate.github.io/ethereum-boilerplate/
If you have any issues following it, you can make a new post.
Iβm using the Boilerplate, and on the readme i get " Sync the MarketItemCreated
event /src/contracts/marketplaceBoilerplate.sol
contract with your Moralis Server, making the tableName MarketItems
How do that on the moralis server ?
Also is there a dev to help me (paid ofc via freelancer .com for exemple) on adding stuff on top of it ?
Read this on syncing smart contract events with your server. Smart Contract Events - Moralis
You can post a job offer in the #job-offers channel on the Moralis Discord.
Hi everyone!
i followed the steps here in order to run the Ethereum boilerplate through my moralis server: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gc0kEjjWobc
i am able to launch the boilerplate but it has no functionality apart from the quick start page the rest dosnt work.
i think the problem is here but i am not sure
PS C:\Users\44773\Desktop\moralis boilerplate> cd .\ethereum-boilerplate\
PS C:\Users\44773\Desktop\moralis boilerplate\ethereum-boilerplate> yarn install
β€ YN0000: β Resolution step
β€ YN0002: β eslint-config-react-app@npm:7.0.0 [55bba] doesn't provide @babel/plugin-syntax-flow (p42fcb), requested by eslint-plugin-flowtype
β€ YN0002: β eslint-config-react-app@npm:7.0.0 [55bba] doesn't provide @babel/plugin-transform-react-jsx (pdf8ae), requested by eslint-plugin-flowtype
β€ YN0002: β eth-block-tracker@npm:4.4.3 doesn't provide @babel/core (p33afd), requested by @babel/plugin-transform-runtime
β€ YN0002: β ethereum-boilerplate@workspace:. doesn't provide @testing-library/dom (p219f9), requested by @testing-library/user-event
β€ YN0060: β ethereum-boilerplate@workspace:. provides react (p448d4) with version 18.1.0, which doesn't satisfy what react-router and some of its descendants request
β€ YN0060: β ethereum-boilerplate@workspace:. provides react (p0aa4a) with version 18.1.0, which doesn't satisfy what react-moralis and some of its descendants request
β€ YN0002: β react-dev-utils@npm:12.0.0 doesn't provide typescript (p08c91), requested by fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin
β€ YN0002: β react-dev-utils@npm:12.0.0 doesn't provide webpack (pf80ce), requested by fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin
β€ YN0002: β react-scripts@npm:5.0.0 [d8e91] doesn't provide autoprefixer (pe9b97), requested by tailwindcss
β€ YN0000: β Some peer dependencies are incorrectly met; run yarn explain peer-requirements <hash> for details, where <hash> is the six-letter p-prefixed code
β€ YN0000: β Completed in 0s 698ms
β€ YN0000: β Fetch step
β€ YN0000: β Completed in 0s 853ms
β€ YN0000: β Link step
β€ YN0000: β Completed in 1s 615ms
β€ YN0000: Done with warnings in 3s 736ms
I would appreciate any ideas/solutions to this!
looking for some quick help on answering this connection through moralis-admin-cli question please. thank you