Ethereum Boilerplate Questions

I am hosting my own local server if that might affect it

I tried shutting down my firewall did not help
I made sure to add my IP address to mongodb network also

Please make a new topic for this issue as this is not related to the Ethereum Boilerplate.

how i get these

Hi @pkgujjar, Moralis no longer provides servers. With the new Moralis SDK you can implement all Moralis server features in your own backend. Check these new tutorials

If you still want to use old moralis features, follow this tutorial.

ok thanks for this info

I’m having trouble finding info on how to expand the “types.ts” files to include more stuff like logos and the actual picture of NFT’s and ENS names . . . Is there anywhere I can look this up?


I’m also having trouble adding new templates to display from the menu, for example I wanted to make a user page that I hooked up to MongoDB on wallet connect, but the site just shows 404 . . . What am I missing here?

Those types in types.ts seem to be for each API result. Where are you using these custom properties like a logo or image? NFT images are available in the metadata typically under a property called image.

Can you provide more details on this? How would WalletConnect integrate with MongoDB exactly?

. . . About connecting wallet . . . Maybe I didn’t make it clear, I’m just pushing the data i get on user connecting to wallet to mongo db to build a user profile so I can ask them to add stuff (Nickname, Avatar and such)

I’m not seeing the issue with that use of <Image />. Technically a metadata's image` could be any type (there is no hard standard) so you can just “assume” it as a string.

That looks like custom code you’re using there. Sure, what is the issue? Updating the data, or reading it? More info is needed. If it seems specific to your use of MongoDB, you can check their docs.

typescript won’t let me just set “any” . . . What do you mean I can set it as instead og string?

I meant image could be a type like string, number, etc. Not the actual any type. Why do you need to change this use of Image or are you talking about something else?

Found the error . . .
it’s called image_url and not just image (Y)


So that works now . . .

I’m getting this error: Expected 1-2 arguments, but got 3.

I can’t find what that means in documents . . . Is it defined somewhere that params should only be 2 instances and not the 3 I’m asking for?

That should be, not axios.get. Also depending on axios version, you may need capital letters - Content-Type instead of content-type.

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Is something down with the API?
Upon launching my DApp it now throws a 500 error . . . .
Didn’t change anything since it worked saturday . . .

There is a downtime status on bsc chain. Team is looking into it.

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Should that affect my ability to connect to metamask at all (From the DApp - Not in general)

No, that should not affect authentication. Can you create a new topic in forum with more details on the error which you are receiving

hi everyone! just started using the boilerplate and it seems great but when trying to connect my wallet on localhost, it throws an error “request failed with status code 500”