Hi everyone !
Deployed this smart contract on Sepolia Testnet
//SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
pragma solidity >=0.8.2 <0.9.0;
contract SmartContractDeployment {
uint256 number;
event Log(string message);
receive() external payable {}
function store(uint256 num) public {
emit Log("new number stored");
number = num;
function retrieve() public view returns (uint256){
return number;
I have sent 0.1Eth on it just to make sure. Now I wanted to send transaction to trigger the function on smart contract. The code is below
void SendTransToContract(const char *contractAddr)
// Generate contract instance. Pass contract address as 2nd parameter.
Contract contract(web3, SETUPCONTRACT);
// Set your secret to contract.
// This secret will not send to server (of course!) but use locally to sign.
string address = MY_ADDRESS;
// Get nonce with web3->EthGetTransactionCount() API
uint32_t nonceVal = (uint32_t)web3->EthGetTransactionCount(&address);
unsigned long long gasPriceVal = 2200000000LL;
uint32_t gasLimitVal = 3000000;
string toStr = SETUPCONTRACT;
uint256_t valueStr = 0x00;
uint8_t dataStr[100];
memset(dataStr, 0, 100);
// Generate binary data to send contract.
// In this case, generate data to send to "store(uint256)" and use "123" as the first parameter.
contract.SetupContractData((char*)dataStr, "store(uint256)", 123);
// Convert dataStr to std::string
std::string dataString(reinterpret_cast<char*>(dataStr));
// send transaction
string result = contract.SendTransaction(nonceVal, gasPriceVal, gasLimitVal, &toStr, &valueStr, &dataString);
string transactionHash = web3->getResult(&result);
Serial.println("TX on Etherscan:");
It basically works and i receive this
TX on Etherscan:
However the transaction doesnβt pend and fails for unknown reason.
Could you help me please