Error when calling wallet history

Hi everyone!

When I’m executing this request, I’m constantly getting 500 or 504 errors. Other requests work fine. What am doing wrong?


Hi @yury

It seems like you are trying to query vitaliks address, which usually contains a ton of tokens and transactions. So the response seems to get timedout due to the amount of data need to be processed.

I would recommend adding both from and to dates and reduce the range of dates you are trying to get data. You will have to get the data from different date ranges separately.

Example: With from date increased to 2023 should work faster.

Hi @johnversus

Thank you for your answer. Unfortunately filtering by two dates is not what we need, and moreover, it doesn’t help. I tried to reduce the timeframe to only one day and still got an error in response:

Let me report this to the devs and get back to you.