Error syncing realtime event

Hi. I got that error on my server
Error syncing realtime event for topic 0x656fea2aeb2af9841f5b2d9a77be15564d1a00f76fff68c5435aec927eb4d5d6 {“message”:“Object not found.”,“code”:101}

Our server Url:

Please help me

I’m trying a server update now

It’s still get that error now. Please check again

It looked like it synced some events in that table after that restart

@locpx, can you try with current Nitro version?

Hi, I use another server and it also get the same error
My server:

Error syncing realtime event for topic 0x656fea2aeb2af9841f5b2d9a77be15564d1a00f76fff68c5435aec927eb4d5d6 {"message":"Object not found.","code":101}

please help me to check

can you try to update the server now?

also, try to not use _ in the name of the event fields