Error saving file to IPFS from cloud functions

Hey guys,

I was trying to save a file to IPFS from cloud functions but Iā€™m getting the error ā€œfileToSave.saveIPFS is not a functionā€.

const fileToSave = new Moralis.File("image", {base64: image}, imageType);
await fileToSave.saveIPFS();

Am I missing something?

Thanks in advance!

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It looks like I get the same error, weā€™ll have to investigate more.

Any update on this? Iā€™m getting the same issue.

now you can upload to IPFS from cloud code with a different syntax:

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Many thanks @cryptokid. That worked after a couple of goes.

Iā€™m successfully writing files to IPFS from Cloud Code but now Iā€™m not sure that itā€™s suitable for my needs. I want to be able to generate a new NFT with token ID and mint it to an ERC1155 contract. Since you canā€™t set the URL of the metadata to something predictable you canā€™t create an ERC1155 contract with the URI in a set form. So I have been experimenting with Moralis.File() and, again, the .json file name gets a ā€œrandomā€ string put before the file name in the URL. E.g. unpredictable hex string_0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001292.json

Is there a way of writing a file, with a name of my choosing, to a predictable location with a predictable URL, from Cloud Code, on my Moralis server so I can feed it into an ERC1155 contract? If not, do I need to set up a third-party transaction to store my metadata on AWS or similar?

It may be easier to use other hosting for the metadata json files if you donā€™t know from the start all the data for all of them.