Error: Request failed with status code 414

I’m trying to execute a contract function with Moralis.Web3API.native.runContractFunction, but it’s not possible to make it work.

I’m using Node JS with moralis 1.9.0

Please Help!


const Moralis = require('moralis/node');
try {
        const values = await Moralis.Web3API.native.runContractFunction({
            "chain": "avalanche testnet",
            "address": address,
            "function_name": namefunction,
            "abi": JSON.abi,
            "params": t
        console.log('Values: ' + values);
    } catch (e) {
        console.log('Error running contract function: ' + e);

The Error:

Error running contract function: Error: Request failed with status code 414

Can you post the function name, address, params and ABI you’re using? What data/value should this read function call return?