Error Received while getting Transaction

“moralis”: “^1.11.0”,
“react-moralis”: “^1.4.2”,

are the dependency versions used.

I have deployed Moralis server to EBS and calls for Moralis need to go at the same.
I am calling getTransactionByHash using

const options = {
                        chain: "0x5",
                    console.log(`options : ${options}`);
                    const transactionObj = await"getTransaction", options)

but when i am calling respective changes
calls are going to self hosted server.
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 400 (Bad Request)

Can you log the parameters to see what parameters were sent? Can you also look in the server logs?

Params sent :

Received on parse server also seem correct

What happens after that on the server?

If you create a new cloud function named getTransacrion2 and call web3api from it then it works?

Is there any other way to test it right now?
I dont have access to that repo right now?

Isn’t that a self hosted server or a Moralis server where you can add a cloud function?

Does it work for a different web3api call?

Whats your discordId?

Same name as here on forum