Error logging in using MetaMask

Hi guys,

For about 2 weeks now I’ve been seeing this issue when attempting to login to my project with MetaMask, even after updating the server which is currently on 0.0.238.

"Account already exists for this email address."

The user gets added to the backend but the session does not become active. Any advice on what I might be missing? The login logic is shown here:

     try {
        moralis.Web3.getSigningData = () => 'Connect MetaMask with 3Base for instant login.'
        await moralis.Web3.authenticate().then(function (w3User) {
      } catch (e) {
        alert('MetaMask login error.');

And my server url is Any help is much appreciated.

Hey @casey

“Account already exists for this email address.”

If it possible please share the full code. It seems like there is a problem in the signup-authenticate logic.