'Error:Cannot Lazy mint the token’ on mainnet rarible plugin

When attempting to lazymint to mainet I keep getting prompted with 'Error:Cannot Lazy mint the token’

I followed the repo provided by Filip https://github.com/MoralisWeb3/youtube-tutorials/tree/main/nft-minter

My modification are as follows below:

let metadataHash = jsonFile.hash();
    let res = await Moralis.Plugins.rarible.lazyMint({
        chain: 'eth',
        userAddress: user.get('ethAddress'),
        tokenType: 'ERC721',
        tokenUri: 'ipfs://' + metadataHash,
        royaltiesAmount: document.querySelector('#royalties').value * 100, // 0.05% royalty. Optional
    // document.querySelector('#royalties').value*100
    document.querySelector('#success_message').innerHTML = 
        `NFT minted. <a href="https://rarible.com/token/${res.data.result.tokenAddress}:${res.data.result.tokenId}">View NFT`;
    document.querySelector('#success_message').style.display = "block";
    setTimeout(() => {
        document.querySelector('#success_message').style.display = "none";
    }, 10000)

maybe it shouldn’t be chain: 'eth', there, but I don’t know if it would work with mainnet instead of eth either.

I’ll get back when I find more, in case that you don’t figure it out by that time.

When I try chain: 'mainet', or chain: '0x1', I get prompted with the error below

Uncaught (in promise) Error: Something went wrong
    "code": 400006,
    "message": "The parameter `chain` is not valid"

So I do think chain: 'eth' is the correct way to point to ethereum mainet but it’s returning error 400 ‘cannot lazy mint the token’


Hi, if you update the plugin to latest version still doesn’t work on mainnet?

I tried changing my endpoints to the wss:// version and still can’t Lazy mint with the “eth” chain

Thanks! This was very helpful.