Error: Before save opts already set for "CLASSNAME"

I am getting the following error with my cloud functions, honestly i dont understand what it means but im pretty sure its not a problem with my cloud functions. im guessing its some duplicate back end code causing an error maybe? my server url is

Error: Before save opts already set for Bookings
at Object.Moralis.Cloud.beforeSave (/moralis-server/lib/cloud-code/plugins/index.js:31:33)
at eval (eval at customUserPlugin (/moralis-server/cloud/main.js:6:21), :1:6291)
at customUserPlugin (/moralis-server/cloud/main.js:6:21)
at /moralis-server/lib/cloud-code/plugins/index.js:62:15
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:95:5)
at async Object.initialize (/moralis-server/lib/cloud-code/plugins/index.js:51:3)

below is my cloud functions code that causes the error, if i remove this code the error goes away.
to clarify this is the ONLY beforeSave function in all my cloud functions that deals with β€œBookings” class.
any help is appreciated thanks!

Moralis.Cloud.beforeSave("Bookings", async (request) => {

    const user = request.user;
    // const object = request.object;

    const query = new Moralis.Query('Bookings');
    query.equalTo("user", user);
    query.containedIn("completed", false);
    const count = await query.count();
    if (count >= 10) {
        throw new Error(`You have reached your limit of 10 ongoing services booked per user. Please finalise an existing ongoing service before making a new booking.`);

        fields: {
            bookingDescription: {
                type: String,
                options: val => val.length <= 500,
                error: "Description is too long, please keep it less than 500 characters (including spaces).",
        requireUser: true,