Error 141 when calling getNFTs [SOLVED]

Started suddenly getting errors when calling Moralis.Web3API.account.getNFTs()

The error in Moralis Dashboard:

2021-09-04T18:22:16.350Z - Error: [object Object]
    at fetch (/moralis-server/lib/cloud-code/plugins/convenience/web3Api.js:192:11)
    at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:95:5)

2021-09-04T18:22:16.347Z - Failed running cloud function getNFTs for user pV6o4nHhRSbJn5QB9xq9GpMD with:
  Input: {"chain":"polygon","address":"0x86935F11C86623deC8a25696E1C19a8659CbF95d"}
  Error: {"message":"[object Object]","code":141}
  • another thing to note with that error is that on the client side it just hangs… doesn’t seem to throw an exception or anything

I get this:

options_3 = { address: "0x86935F11C86623deC8a25696E1C19a8659CbF95d",chain: "polygon" };
x = await Moralis.Web3API.account.getNFTs(options_3)
{total: 9, page: 0, page_size: 500, result: Array(9), status: "SYNCED"}

0: {token_address: "0x043a0d3e1c7dde9c4e9d7a768992e4451e5a3a0e", token_id: "1", amount: "1", owner_of: "0x86935f11c86623dec8a25696e1c19a8659cbf95d", block_number: null, …}
1: {token_address: "0x86935f11c86623dec8a25696e1c19a8659cbf95d", token_id: "8062", amount: "1", owner_of: "0x86935f11c86623dec8a25696e1c19a8659cbf95d", block_number: "13208206", …}
2: {token_address: "0x86935f11c86623dec8a25696e1c19a8659cbf95d", token_id: "9106", amount: "1", owner_of: "0x86935f11c86623dec8a25696e1c19a8659cbf95d", block_number: "13208206", …}
3: {token_address: "0x6ee8023bb1fc02702cf2f09a2e1c2d78af472ef6", token_id: "154828", amount: "1", owner_of: "0x86935f11c86623dec8a25696e1c19a8659cbf95d", block_number: "14381339", …}
4: {token_address: "0x86935f11c86623dec8a25696e1c19a8659cbf95d", token_id: "4479", amount: "1", owner_of: "0x86935f11c86623dec8a25696e1c19a8659cbf95d", block_number: "13208206", …}
5: {token_address: "0x86935f11c86623dec8a25696e1c19a8659cbf95d", token_id: "2926", amount: "1", owner_of: "0x86935f11c86623dec8a25696e1c19a8659cbf95d", block_number: "13178938", …}
6: {token_address: "0x86935f11c86623dec8a25696e1c19a8659cbf95d", token_id: "2", amount: "1", owner_of: "0x86935f11c86623dec8a25696e1c19a8659cbf95d", block_number: "14558354", …}
7: {token_address: "0x86935f11c86623dec8a25696e1c19a8659cbf95d", token_id: "1549", amount: "1", owner_of: "0x86935f11c86623dec8a25696e1c19a8659cbf95d", block_number: null, …}
8: {token_address: "0x86935f11c86623dec8a25696e1c19a8659cbf95d", token_id: "1306", amount: "1", owner_of: "0x86935f11c86623dec8a25696e1c19a8659cbf95d", block_number: null, …}

Yeah I was getting that before- it was working fine for days, but then I suddenly started getting errors

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You have the latest version of Moralis server and Moralis SDK?
Can you also provide your subdomain?
Can you also try with another Moralis server, only this particular request?

“moralis”: “^0.0.37”,
“react-moralis”: “^0.2.1”,

subdomain: 7c9fxoq4nf9w

Latest Moralis server is 0.0.257 and for Moralis SDK is 0.0.42

ok ill update and try again

It’s working again thank you!

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