ERC1155 import issues on Polygon

Hi everyone,

Here is the issue I have with reading the response for an ERC1155 contract on Polygon:

get /nft/{address} returns a response split in 2 parts for the same contract address.As it conflicts with the ā€œusualā€ response structure (in 1 part/contract) for other ERC1155 contracts, its importation is problematic:


curl -X 'GET' \
  '' \


  "total": "1",
  "page": 0,
  "page_size": 500,
  "cursor": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ3aGVyZSI6eyJ0b2tlbl9hZGRyZXNzIjoiMHgyNmJkMjgzNjBmOWM1NWQwMDllNjg1YjAxZDE5NTk4MjQ5NzhhMTM4In0sImxpbWl0Ijo1MDAsIm9mZnNldCI6NTAwLCJvcmRlciI6W1siYmxvY2tfbnVtYmVyX21pbnRlZCIsIkRFU0MiXSxbInRva2VuX2hhc2giLCJERVNDIl1dLCJncm91cCI6WyJ0b2tlbl9oYXNoIiwidG9rZW5fYWRkcmVzcyIsInRva2VuX2lkIiwiYmxvY2tfbnVtYmVyX21pbnRlZCJdLCJwYWdlIjoxLCJpYXQiOjE2NDY4MTU3MjJ9.gnkJr8slLwtiwhGYAsD_InMT5-aayHmqPkMmhk9T9oE",
  "result": [
      "token_address": "0x26bd28360f9c55d009e685b01d1959824978a138",
      "token_id": "1",
      "amount": "1988903",
      "contract_type": "ERC1155",
      "name": "RariLend Protocol - DAO PASS",
      "symbol": null,
      "token_uri": "",
      "metadata": "{...}",
      "synced_at": "2022-03-02T01:15:12.658Z"
      "token_address": "0x26bd28360f9c55d009e685b01d1959824978a138",
      "token_id": "1",
      "amount": "111097",
      "contract_type": "ERC1155",
      "name": "RariLend Protocol - DAO PASS",
      "symbol": null,
      "token_uri": "",
      "metadata": "{...}",
      "synced_at": "2022-03-02T01:15:12.658Z"

Do anyone know why the response (basically the token supply) is split in 2 ?

Is there anyway to make it be one in order to fit the classic response structure?

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we will investigate, at first look it doesnā€™t seem to me like the expected output

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Can share the ERC1155 contract source code if that can help

I donā€™t think that it is needed for now

Sum of both ā€œamountā€ is the correct Total Supply. The first section ā€œamountā€: 1988903 is very close to the owner addressā€™s holdings, but not exactly (26 tokens more).

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any update about this ERC1155 integration?

I donā€™t have an update now

can you check again now?

now it returns this:

  "total": "1",
  "page": 0,
  "page_size": 500,
  "cursor": "...",
  "result": [
      "token_address": "0x26bd28360f9c55d009e685b01d1959824978a138",
      "token_id": "1",
      "amount": "2100000",
      "contract_type": "ERC1155",
      "name": "RariLend Protocol - DAO PASS",
      "symbol": null,
      "token_uri": "",
      "metadata": "...",
      "synced_at": "2022-03-24T19:37:12.697Z"