ENS name (.eth) NFT not appearing in EthNFTOwners dashboard table

I don’t see my currently set .eth name as an NFT in the EthNFTOwners table, however do I see the transfer to my address within the EthNFTTransfers. I also see the NFT when calling the API function.

In the logs I see “Not Valid / Burned ERC721 Token - Skip Upserting Balance”

That log entry, and the fact that it is possible for a ENS name to be sent to the burn address but then reinstated after the registration period ends, leads me to think that this is an unintended consequence in the fix related to this post:

Server URL: https://5hi3p1gp6ook.usemoralis.com:2053/server

Let me know what you guys think. Maybe there is a better way to access .eth data, if not, then maybe it is something worth integrating into Moralis.

Should be fixed now please try

Thanks Ivan, I’m seeing it now.

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Hello, please help, i has successfull use of frpc on local dev chain and have all dashboard table items including EthNftOwners. After i change my local dev chain on testnet (ropsten) i don’t see default items like EthNftOwners on my dashboard. How can i solve this issue?

Yaroslav, Generative Gallery Team (GG).

My server url is: https://nuv4raqdmpfi.bigmoralis.com:2053/server

Hi, you should create another forum post for this question.
In the new forum post you can also describe what steps you took to change from local dev chain to rooster testnet, it will require at least creating a testnet Moralis Server.