Elrond test-net and main-net setup?

Does anyone can point me to a set of instructions that cover the configuration needed in order to perform these actions on elrond test-net and main-net

  • authenticate using moralis and key-store
  • call elrond smart contract fuctions

Thank you in advance

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Hey @bogdan

Please take a look at this video and let me know if it helps:

If this doesnโ€™t help, please follow Step 4 and share more details about your issue here, so we can help you with your issue as quickly as possible:

There are no instructions that how to set up the server to work with Elrond main-net or test-net. None of the provided instructions in these common issues are relevant. Iโ€™m blocked before even getting started. Also the provided video related to elrond is not usefull in my case. I need to authenticate with key-store json file and password. Can you point me to a tutorial or documentation on how to set up moralis server to work with elrond?

Hi Bogdan.

That Elrond video is more of a teaser. I believe authentication using Elrond is working, however there is not yet official support for syncing Elrond transactions and smart contract events. Only the options you see when creating a new Moralis Server are fully supported. Others will be available soon like BSC and MATIC when those nodes have finished syncing.

I donโ€™t believe keystore file authentication is supported. @rph may be able to comment further.

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Well, I really think that Elrond integration should be a priority for Moralis. Elrond shows imense potation for adoption and programmability. Considering that I was not able to find Moralis specific instruction I did this hackathon focussed on Elrond. Please take a look and share if you consider it valuable. https://youtu.be/Gr_r2nZZvUM