Dynamic filters (Moralis Queries)

Hello guys, im trying to create a multi select filter to my NFT collection and im trying to do something like this.

filters: {‘Background’: [‘Normal’, ‘Golden’, ‘Special’], ‘PropertyA’: [‘Value1’,‘Value2’], ‘PropertyB’: [] }

so i was trying to use aggregate.

const pipeline = {
  	sort: {name: 1},
  const matches = [];
  for(const key in filters){
  	if(filters[key].length > 0)
           matches.push({ $in: [key, filters[key]] })

// matches = [{ $in: [Background,  ['Normal', 'Golden', 'Special'] ] }, { $in: [PropertyA,  ['Value1','Value2'] ] }]

query.aggregate({...pipeline, match: {$expr: {$and: matches}}})

output returns [];
{Background : ‘Golden’, PropertyA: ‘Value1’ }
{Background : ‘Golden’, PropertyA: ‘Value2’ }
{Background : ‘Special’, PropertyA: ‘Value1’ }
{Background : ‘Special’, PropertyA: ‘Value2’ }
{Background : ‘Normal’, PropertyA: ‘Value1’ }