Duplicate cloud functions

  1. 2021-09-21T16:44:07.059Z - Warning: Duplicate cloud functions exist for getERC721TokenTransactionsCount. Only the last one will be used and the others will be ignored.

I have above notice on Dashboard;

The “getERC721TokenTransactionsCount” function not wrote by me. so where it cames from?

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Please send your subdomain

Hi @Yomoo,
tell me if it is the subdomain you need:


By the way, that “Duplicate function” notification seems not showing up anymore…

it appers again…

I also get that error with a fresh Moralis Server.

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I wonder, If all clouds functions of all users are running on the same name space??

I think that it may be more related to Web3API functions that have a similar call url as a user defined cloud function, and maybe there are some default cloud functions that are inserted in a server instance for Web3API functions.