Download API Client for Javascript?

Hi guys,
I ve read in the docs that we can down load API client for Javascript, but I dont see it on the site as instructed?
Here is how instructed the docs:

Here is on the site: No Javascript ?

Documentation is getting updated these days.
You can also run an API call directly from the interface. (Try it out -> execute).

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thanks. But that is not what I need

Hey @tungtien

I will let you know when I find out about this. :man_mechanic:


Some updates were made in the JS client. It will be available for download soon.

I’ll let you know :mage:

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Apparently the Vanilla Js client will not be posted in the near future. You can use the typescript client. It is more stable.

If you have any questions, I will be happy to help :mage:

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I ve never used Typescript before. could you point me a path to go?

Hey @tungtien

I don’t think you will have any problems with using client on typescript. This is the same javascript but with strong typing.

Let me know if you wil lhave any questions :raised_hands: