Doesn't show data on OpenSea

Hello. I did everything according to this instruction until 42:40 minutes: Ultimate NFT Programming Tutorial - FULL COURSE
Everything turned out just for me on the test OpenSea, names, descriptions and pictures are not displayed:

My code:

Tell me what could be the problem?

Most of the times it can be something related to the token uri.
Can you paste the contract address, contract type, chain, token id, expected token uri, token uri on chain (in case that you know how to get it), expected metadata?

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Are you talking about this data?

uri throws an error: call to NFTContract.uri errored: Error encoding arguments: Error: invalid BigNumber string (argument=“value”, value="", code=INVALID_ARGUMENT, version=bignumber/5.5.0)

For example, I opened mint and uri in them, you see what is written, what corresponds to uploading metadata like a book:

There is data on

What to look for ?, how to fix my problem?: meta data is not displayed on Opensea

Next time can you please post links/addresses directly also so we don’t have to type them in from your screenshots.

Using 0xc933d143777649018eb8226b188b47e0e1904008 as your contract, your metadata is broken for tokens 1 and 2 (3 doesn’t have a valid token_uri link) as your double quotes are in the wrong places for some of the keys.

This is token_id 1:

     "image:" "",
     "description:" "Direct interaction of music on the appearance of a person and on his inner world",
     "name:" "musical hairstyle",
     "external_url": ""

It should be:

   "description":"Direct interaction of music on the appearance of a person and on his inner world",
   "name":"musical hairstyle",
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Thanks, I’ve corrected the quotes. Recreated the contract. Problem still exists!
Help, what else could be wrong?

My code:

I tried to run your solidity code with my server url and it seems to be working and the images are loading at opensea.

But, when I try the same code with your server url the images are not loading at the opensea. :sweat_smile:

Here is the code that I used with my server url. and my metadata0, metadata1

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0; 
contract TestContract {
// Some logic

//Import ERC 1155 token contract from OpenZeppelin//

import "";
import "";

contract NFTContractTest2 is ERC1155, Ownable {

    uint256 public constant APICTURE1 = 0;
    uint256 public constant PICTURE2 = 1;

    constructor() ERC1155 ("{id}.json") {
        _mint(msg.sender, APICTURE1, 1, "");
        _mint(msg.sender, PICTURE2, 2, "");

    function mint(address account,uint256 id,uint256 amount) public onlyOwner {
        _mint(account, id, amount, "");

    function burn(address account, uint256 id, uint256 amount) public {
        require(msg.sender == account);
        _burn(account, id, amount);

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Maybe try another server. Everything looks fine now using your new contract for tokens 1 and 2. Keep in mind that the JSON link for token 3 is still broken.

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Hi guys, the server was replaced, everything was rebuilt, the contract was generated, the result was not given. The meta data is not displayed.

Any other ideas?

I get this metadata uri for token id 1:{id}.json

that points to this:

that has this metadata:

     "image": "",
     "description": "Direct interaction of music on the appearance of a person and on his inner world",
     "name": "musical hairstyle",
     "external_url": ""

and this link doesn’t work:

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I replaced the server as your colleague recommended. And now it works:

And this didn’t work:

Replaced only the link of the server.
Any thoughts?

You have to upload that image on that server. Using moralis-admin-cli. Or you can use ipfs urls and upload the image to IPFS.

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The link to the image file is working, the service is sensitive to CapsLock:

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Links to the pictures work, the server is new, the code is checked, I created a new contract, but the metadata was not loaded on Opensea) it would not be as funny as it is insulting)!
What else to check?

Please post a link to instructions on how to download IPFS.

You also have to wait some time until opensea indexed that data.

For ipfs:

this one it looks like still has problems with not found

token_id 1 - image is broken

    "image": "",
    "description": "Direct interaction of music on the appearance of a person and on his inner world",
    "name": "musical hairstyle",
    "external_url": ""

token_id 2 - image is broken

    "image": "",
    "description": "New vision for the future",
    "name": "Toughness in the shell"

token_id 3 - token_uri doesn’t load

I’ve noticed that works which I assume is meant to be for token_id 1.

You need to correct all of these before things will work.

I rechecked everything, I used new pictures, everything works but is not displayed on Opensea
Token_id 1 works:
Picture displayed:

Token_id 2 works:
Picture displayed:

Token_id 3 works:
Picture displayed:

Not displayed on Opensea:

If I understand correctly, then Opensea does not collect meta data on the test domain. Correctly? And why?
If it updates the data in time: 1) at what time? 2) how many times a day?

Guys, take a look, tell me, thanks!

I have a rinkeby test contract on opensea an it displays fine.but I have found that it only works if I name the json files 1.json, 2.json, etc. They appear almost instantly.See below: