Create connectwallet

I want to put a connectwallet button for my daap, my project does not use React, I want JavaScript code for it.
Metamask Robledma


Hi, do you only want do connect the wallet, or youโ€™ll use moralis for something else as well?

I want the wallet to be connected and the user to be able to work easily, and I want to know the exit button


if you only need to connect the wallet, i would recommend to check ethers js, itโ€™s easier to setup

What other possibilities do you see?

Can I just add this feature with React?

If you only rely on connecting the wallet, and no other features, i would recommend following this guide

Its an example of react app with ethers

I think you didnโ€™t understand what I mean, I want to connect the trustwallet whith js code

In this case i would recommend checking walletconnect. It has the ability to connect to trust wallet via qr code

Could you please share a link? I want to take a look at your website