Connection not open on send

When trying to connect to BSC Mainnet to fetch the gas prices and making raw transactions using the Speedy nodes RPC(HTTP) we are getting this error intermittently. We are currently on the PRO plan. Backend is written in NodeJS


If you retry that request, then it works?
I don’t know why this happens.
You are using the archive or the non archive url?

Yeah so we have to manually restart the backend everytime(then it works again till the next time this issue comes up), and we are using non-archive one till now.

shouldn’t be easier only to catch the error and then to retry same operation? it will not work in this case?

the alternative would be to make a new web3 connection when it happens

On retry the same operation, we are still facing the same error again so had to do a manual restart. I guess after manual restart, it comes up as a new web3 connection, but is there any speicific reason this is happening that we can take care of?

I don’t know why this happens. You could try to initiate a new web3 connection without restarting the backend.