Connecting ganache to moralis server

you can use one of those ones that say connection refused, in that case it doesn’t something, even if it doesn’t work as expected

Thank you cryptokid, I did it from scratch again, but you see picture, still the “Devchain Proxy Server” looks “Disconnected”. To move further it is necessary to connect so that it shows “connected”. What do you advice me, thank you!

now, you will have to start a local devchain first, then to copy that frpc.ini specific to your local devchain, maybe for ganache.

I don’t know yet why you have that error with port 7000, maybe is some network/firewall blocking that connection

Cryptokid THANK you! I succeeded, you are big! Thank you for patience!!!
see as requested in Moralis tutorial:

i am CONNECTED finally! :slight_smile: