Connect MetaMask after Login


I am working on a web app, where first user will create the profile, and then he/she will connect metamask. i dunno how to do that, as Moralis.authenticate() creates a new user session, but i want to connect the wallet to the existing user session.

Thanks in advance.

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try something like this

init = async () => {
    window.web3 = await Moralis.Web3.enable();

initUser = async () => {
    if (await Moralis.User.current()) {
         //do stuff such as dispaly eth address etc

login = async () => {

    try {
        await Moralis.Web3.authenticate();
    }catch (error) {

logout = async () => {
    await Moralis.User.logOut();

connectButton.onclick = login

this is a very basic and simple implementation just to give you an idea youlll need go work on this. but using the User.current you can presisit the sessiom on page load i believe.

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you can also try after you got the eth_address for current wallet (usually after using Moralis.enableWeb3())