Collection not created (sync and watch contract events)


I’ve followed the “Sync and watch contract events” guide, but for some reason the collection is not being created when looking in the dashboard. I only see “Role”, “Session” and “User”. I don’t receive any errors and editing the sync event (changing the collection name) doesn’t seem to work either. Have anyone experienced this, and know how to solve it?

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there could be multiple problems on sync events, from topic not being right, to some fields in ABI that start with _

Oh I see, wish we had some kind of error if there’s any problems.
I’m bascially trying to track the Transfer event for an ERC721 contract. As far as I can read the abi file is not mandatory, so the error must be within the topic itself. This is my inputs:

Topic: Transfer(address,address,uint256)

  "anonymous": false,
  "inputs": [
      "indexed": true,
      "internalType": "address",
      "name": "from",
      "type": "address"
      "indexed": true,
      "internalType": "address",
      "name": "to",
      "type": "address"
      "indexed": true,
      "internalType": "uint256",
      "name": "tokenId",
      "type": "uint256"
  "name": "Transfer",
  "type": "event"

Address: 0x55a13214E5431B3b3EE24A7951909D759c0DbD1a

Topic seems fine, what is the server url where it doesn’t work?

that server doesn’t seem to have any event sync added now

Hmm that doesn’t make sense. I’ve added in in the “Sync and Watch Contract Events”