Cloud functions - using bignumber on mainnet and testnet


I have 2 servers, 1 on mainnet and 1 on testnet and use the same cloud functions on both to test them

I am using web3 on cloud functions just for bignumber and nothing else

but if I use a mainnet chainId then I get {code: 141, error: ā€œCould not find providerā€} error on testnet version

const web3 = Moralis.web3ByChain(ā€œ0x38ā€);
const BN = web3.utils.BN;

yes itā€™s possible to upload different versions for both of them but Iā€™m using the same codebase from cli so itā€™s easier to use exact same and not change it on every upload

is it possible to use bignumbers without choosing a target chain id? or is it possible to get the current server details on cloud functions so I can assign a testnet chainId or mainnet chainId depending on the current server dynamically?


I believe we have Moralis.Cloud.BigNumber you donā€™t need to choose the chain for that

awesome, didnt see it on the docs

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It returns undefined for me when using Moralis.Cloud.BigNumber do I need to initialize something first?

did you try something like this: number = new Moralis.Cloud.BigNumber(+value)?

Oh I assumed itā€™s an injected library.

I used Moralis.Cloud.BigNumber.from() and it complained about Moralis.Cloud.BigNumber being undefined and undefined not have a function from. So just logging returns undefined on my end.

I use Moralis.Cloud.ethersByChain("0x38").ethers.utils.parseUnit(valueAsString, decimal) and I defined it as a constant function const toBn = (value, decimal) => ...(valueAsString,decimal) in the cloud function to cascade the complexity :laughing: